Blogger Basic SEO(Search Engine Optimization) For Blogspot Website
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Basic SEO For Blogger Blogspot Websites |
Blogger or blogspot sites are free mostly loyal persons used work but not known about the SEO. There is some simple and urgent SEO tips that are 100% working and so simple to used in your web blog. We committed that after reading the whole article you double the page views of your site.
Blogspot SEO(Search Engine Optimization) For Blogger Websites
Most of the blogspot user reads lots of article on web but not implement that tricks on their blogs because some loyal persons not understand the highly coded or HTML modifications but some are do it well. So we provide the complete, Simple and Soft example for you to make changes and implementation. Lets Start.
Some bloggers write too much blogs but due to lac of SEO. Writing a article or post is art of SEO for you so keep the following things in mind before writing any content in a post
Basic SEO For Writing Title of the Post
Title of the post is most important part of your SEO and the only way to communicate with Google about your complete post.
1.Post title
2.URL of the Post
Post title is title you given to your post and views in whole posts heading.
URL of the Post is address of the post shown Like(In Green color)
Both Parts are Most Important for you
Before Publishing the post make sure about your URL of post which are shown right hand side of the post editing in Permalink Option. You can change URL using Custom Permalink for SEO.
URL SEO is very important part of your blogpost. We have some tips to more SEO friendly your post URL.Basic URL SEO For Blogger
- Make your URL short in size
- URL contain only Keyword not is, or, i, a, an, the, which make your SEO unhealthy
- URL contain your Keyword
- Be sure your URL words are in you post title
Some Persons are Confuse about differentiate between URL and Post Title how they Differ both in Blogger its to easy for you i already tell you about this in above for Detail Read my Post
Basic SEO For Images
SEO for images is very important part of your blogging just doing this you can win lots of traffic to your New or Existing posts. Images are combination of pixels Google not known about these pixels which they shown but if you tell Google about the image you can make a bridge between Google search and you post.
Mostly blogger users insert image in the post and publish. Google bots Read your post. They read your Post Title, Post URL, Post detail when they come on your images they can't see the image. Can't Read it. Which leads you or pushes your post ranking down in Google search. Because this is negative point for your blog post.
So Main question is that how Google bots read your Blog images that is SEO. I tell you it detail in very simple steps
If you are on blogger Platform you do just Three steps for your image
Image SEO First Step : Change The Name Of Image
Image Name is the part of Image SEO(Search Engine Optimization).
When you insert a image in you blog post just check you image name mostly it is irrelevant to image. Change the name of the image using "-" not used space between the name of the image. Image name describe fully about you image.
Lets e.g.
you can insert a Dog image into your post. Its existing name is img02145.jpg just suppose can img02145 represent a dog. No edit or rename it.
Please don't use space in between the Image name its represent negative SEO.
Image SEO Second Step: Change The ALT Tag
Image ALT tag is the main part of image SEO. Google already announced about that images ALT tag is read by Google bots so never miss it.
Suppose you say you have a image but i can't see it not know about it till i can see it whose are in the image. Like this Google not see images just read the ALT tag or alternate tag of a image which tells Google about image.
If you are on Blogger platform just see the properties of the image which contain two parts
1. Title of the Image
2. ALT Tag of the image
Title of the image is about the image in short form which can be display to users when they mouse over on the image but be careful use relevant title to the post and have a keyword in it.
ALT Tag most important, Alternate tag is about the picture which can be read by Google bots. So can use write a proper words with keyword.
Like if it a image of bulldog playing use alt tag bulldog is playing in the garden.
we have art of writing ALT tag of the image.
How To Write ALT Tag of Image
If you are confused about ALT tag writing, just leave you confusion today. Lots of sites say write short alt tag, Only keyword alt tag, some say write long etc etc. But the best way to write ALT tag just follow these steps
- Write ALT tag in full detail just assume a blind person when read(listen) these Alt tag easily make image in his mind.
- ALT have main keyword of post check out its SEO friendly
- Title of the Image contain main keyword
- Write Short Title not too small but ALT tag contain a sentence about image
Image SEO Third Step : Write Caption Of Image
Image Name, Image ALT tag are main SEO essential parts of Image SEO. Image Caption makes the boost for you. Mostly user fail to write a caption of the image they do First Two steps, Name or ALT tag of image. but caption writing of image they can't think urgent if you want to be separate from those write a Caption of Image
Best Way To Write a Caption of Image(SEO for Caption)
Best way to write caption of the image is just describe the image like alt tag a sentence for caption which contain main keyword. You can use two or three main keyword in the caption.
When it done think, When Google bots read Title, Alt tag, Captions all things are completed you rank high in the Google search.
When you write a caption gives the caption a light color so it is separate your content and caption content some extend.
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